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Q: What other types of families exist?
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Flashlights exist so you can have a portable light source. You can use flashlights where there are no other types of lights. You can use them in emergencies, and you can use them in places where other types of lights would be awkward or hazardous.

Do Cullen's families exist in reality?

of course not

Do fairies have families?

No!!! faires are mythical! they do not exist

What are the different types of families in Mauritian society?

There are joint families , nuclear families and singlle families in mauritius.

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3 Types Exist

How did the holocaust destroy families?

It would destroy Jewish families, Gypsy families, people with homosextuals, and other types of people because the Nazi would murder them, take them to concentration camps, and tear families apart from one another... somtimes forever.

What is the impact of family of atheistic existentialism?

Families of atheists exist.

What types of families did algonquins have?

i think they had tribes

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Does matter have types?

The fundamental states of matter are: solid, liquid, gas, plasma; but other forms also exist.

Who is Echo the nymph's family members?

We usually know nothing about nymphs' families. They just exist.