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hydrobarometer, hydrobilirubin, hydrobiplane, hydrobranchiata,hydrobromate, hydrobromic, hydrobromide, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbonaceous,hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbostyril, hydrocarburet, hydrocauli,hydrocaulus, hydrocele, hydrocephali, hydrocephalic, hydrocephalies,hydrocephaloid, hydrocephalous, hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly, hydrochlorate,hydrochloric, hydrochloride, hydrocorallia, hydrocyanate, hydrocyanic,hydrocyanide, hydrodynamic, hydrodynamical, hydrodynamics,hydrodynamometer, hydroelectric, hydroelectricity, hydroferricyanic,hydroferrocyanic, hydrofluate, hydrofluoric, hydrofluosilicate, hydrofluosilicic,hydrofoil, hydrofoils, hydrogalvanic, hydrogen, hydrogenate, hydrogenated,hydrogenates, hydrogenating, hydrogenation, hydrogenations, hydrogenide,hydrogenium, hydrogenize, hydrogenized, hydrogenizing, hydrogenous,hydrogens, hydrognosy, hydrogode, hydrographer, hydrographers,hydrographic, hydrographical, hydrography, hydroguret, hydroid, hydroidea,hydrokinetic, hydrologic, hydrological, hydrologist, hydrologists, hydrology,hydrolyses, hydrolysis, hydrolytic, hydrolyze, hydromagnesite, hydromancy,hydromantic, hydromassage, hydromechanics, hydromedusa, hydromedusae,hydromel, hydromellonic, hydrometallurgical, hydrometallurgy, hydrometeor,hydrometeorological, hydrometeorology, hydrometer, hydrometers,hydrometric, hydrometrical, hydrometrograph, hydrometry, hydromica,hydronephrosis, hydropath, hydropathic, hydropathical, hydropathically,hydropathist, hydropathy, hydroperitoneum, hydrophane, hydrophanous,hydrophid, hydrophlorone, hydrophobia, hydrophobic, hydrophobicity,hydrophoby, hydrophone, hydrophones, hydrophora, hydrophore, hydrophyllia,hydrophyllium, hydrophylliums, hydrophyte, hydrophytology, hydropic,hydropical, hydropically, hydropiper, hydroplane, hydroplanes, hydropneumatic,hydroponic, hydroponics, hydropower, hydropsy, hydropult, hydroquinone,hydrorhiza, hydrorhizae, hydrorhizas, hydros, hydrosalt, hydroscope,hydrosoma, hydrosome, hydrosorbic, hydrosphere, hydrospheres, hydrostat,hydrostatic, hydrostatical, hydrostatically, hydrostatician, hydrostatics,hydrosulphate, hydrosulphide, hydrosulphite, hydrosulphuret, hydrosulphureted,hydrosulphuric, hydrosulphurous, hydrotellurate, hydrotelluric, hydrotheca,hydrothecae, hydrothecas, hydrotherapeutic, hydrotherapeutical,hydrotherapeutically, hydrotherapeutician, hydrotherapeuticians,hydrotherapeutics, hydrotherapies, hydrotherapist, hydrotherapy, hydrothermal,hydrothermally, hydrothorax, hydrotic, hydrotical, hydrotrope, hydrotropic,hydrotropism, hydrous, hydroxanthane, hydroxanthic, hydroxide, hydroxides,hydroxy, hydroxyl, hydroxylamine, hydrozoa, hydrozoal, hydrozoan, hydrozoon,hydrozoons,


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Words that have the root word hydro in it?

hydrate dehydrate hydro pump

What are some words that have hydro as a prefix?


What is the root word of hydro?

It means water, some examples... hydrophobic: water-hater hydrophilic: water-loving

What words have the root word hydor in it?

None. Perhaps you meant "hydro". About 100 words have that root in them, things like hydroponics or hydro-plane, even anhydrous.

What words begin with the prefix hydro?

hydrologyhydro - park

What words have hydro as its root word?

fybro roots

How is hydro power changed into other useful forms of energy?

Hydro power is used mainly to produce electricity .That happens in hydro power plants

What is hydro-geology?

The term hydro-geology is derived from two words; hydro, which means water and geology, which means the study of earth. Hydro-geology is the field of geology which is concerned with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the earths crust.

Why rattle hydro power project cannot start?

The problem has overcome now, as such at present there is no problem to start this project.

What is the difference between hydro and hydra?

Both hydra and hydro are root words meaning water. There is no difference chemically in one prefix or the other. Examples: Hydrology : HYDRA logy (hie' dra goe ji) n. Conveyance of water through channels artificially.

Is hydro electricity safe?

as safe as any other

What greek words start with r?

Many Greek words start with 'r' just as they do in English, Spanish, and other languages.