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Best to ask you local pharmacist as they are the experts because some medicines can be taken during pregnancy

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Q: What over the counter medications should you avoid during pregnancy?
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Consult your physician or midwife. They should have a list of medications it is safe to take during pregnancy.

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The use of any medications while pregnant should be discussed with your physician.

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Read the allergy medications to see if you can or cannot take it while pregnant. Some medications you can take, and some you cannot, it depends on what type it it.

What are safe medications for someone during pregnancy?

Tylenol has been known to be safe throughout pregnancy. As far as any prescribed medications, these should always be discussed with your doctor prior to taking during pregnancy. Many prescription drugs are not suitable for use while pregnant, so it's always a good idea to be cautious and discuss it with your doctor.

What list a pills you should not take during your pregnancy?

There are tons of medicine not allowed during pregnancy and we can't list them all. The rule is that if you need medication, any medication even off the counter, check with your doctor first. Always!

Spotting lasts 7 days period or pregnancy?

I'm not a doctor, but I am a mother. You can spot during pregnancy as well as have a regular period during pregnancy. I would suggest waiting three weeks from the missed period and take an over the counter pregnancy test. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss this with them.

Does having Crohn's disease when pregnant usually result in a premature birth?

NO, absolutely not. With regular prenatal care, predominantly for nutritional support and close fetal monitoring a pregnant Crohns patient should experience a normal pregnancy. Supplementation with extra iron, folate, and protein during pregnancy is encouraged because maternal loss of these nutrients can occur quickly during a flare. Most medications used to treat Crohn's disease are considered low risk during pregnancy. Active disease poses more risk to the fetus than most Crohn's medications, so the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks. Whatever medications helped maintain remission before pregnancy should be continued during pregnancy with the exception of methotrexate or antibiotics.

What foods should I be eating during pregnancy?

There are several foods you should eat during pregnancy. You should eat green vegetables and drink juice.

How should patients be prepared for an eye muscle surgery?

Patients should make sure their doctors are aware of any medications that they are taking, even over-the-counter medications. Patients should not take aspirin, or any other blood-thinning medications for ten days prior to surgery.

Currants during pregnancy?

It is recommended that black currants should not be consumed during pregnancy. Red currants should be okay, but the individual should check with their doctor on if it is safe for them.

What happens if you took a fat burning capsule during pregnancy?

I'm not sure what you mean by "fat-burning capsule", but the general rule is that you should talk to your doctor before taking any pills during pregnancy, whether they were obtained over the counter or were prescribed by another health professional. Many pharmaceutical drugs and herbal supplements can be harmful to a growing embryo. When you discover that you are pregnant, it's a great idea to make a list of all the drugs, vitamins, herbal supplements, or other pills that you're taking. These should be taken in to your primary care provider or ob/gyn and discussed. Only they will be able to accurately tell you whether you can continue these medications during pregnancy.

What kind of medications offer Headache Relief?

There are many options for the medical treatment of headaches. You should start with over the counter medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen, and see a doctor if these do not work.