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Try to maintain the dog from scratching it, use alcohol and peroxide every day for at least 4 days in row

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Q: What over the counter medicine can you use for a cut on your dog?
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Are there any over-the-counter medications for a cut on a dog?


What kind of over the counter drugs can you give your dog so you can cut her fur?

Do NOT give your dog any kind of human medicine. It can hurt your dog. If you need to clip it`s fur use another person to help hold your dog still.

Is there anything for dog diarrhea?

Canine Gastralox is the best over the counter medicine you can give your dog for diarrhea. They sell it on

When you deworm your dog is it normal to find live worms in the dog's stool?

Yes. It is normal to find live worms in your dogs stool if you got medicine that was over the counter. You should IMMEDIATELY go and get PRESCRIBED medicine.

Can you use triaminic cough medicine on your dog?

You can give your dog certain over the counter cough medications for humans that contain dextromethorphan. This does include Triaminic cough medication.

What can you give your dog that you can buy at a drugstore for her bad cough she has from getting valley fever until you can get her to a vet?

If your dog has the Valley fever and you want to try go over-the-counter medication asked the pharmacist if a cough medicine for humans would hurt your dog. Try that until you can afford to see the vet.

Is there any over the counter medicine for your dog who just got bit and his eyes are swollen shut?

Your dog has an allergic reaction and yes there is, but you'd have to explain it to a pharmacist. Eyes are nothing to play around with in humans or pets, so it's best to take your dog to a vet.

Deworm a dog?

Dogs can get several types of worms that include roundworms, tapeworms, coccidia, and whipworms. There is medication that you can give your dog to deworm them. Treating your dog for the correct type of worm is important and a vet can help determine which type of worm you dog may have.

Can you give a dog a loritab?

My Vet has stated that a dog can take the same type Medication as a human the dose is the main issue based on size and weight of the dog My Dog is a miniature breed and takes Elivial at 80 mgs once a day during storms season If you start a med go small dose to increase as needed and many over the counter medication use Jr strength

What is the Name of deworming medicine for dog?

medicine ,

Can you give your dog any over the counter medicine if he is vomiting?

No, it may make matter worse, vomiting is a normal reaction to something bad that was ingested, I would call the vet right now, what was your pet eating today? dog food? check expiration date on bag or look for bugs in the food or foreign objects, it does happen.

What is medicine for dog muscle spasm?

My dog takes human medicine prescribed by a animal nuerologist. It is called is a heart murmur medicine. It has help my dog tremedously.