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Yes. It is normal to find live worms in your dogs stool if you got medicine that was over the counter. You should IMMEDIATELY go and get PRESCRIBED medicine.

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Q: When you deworm your dog is it normal to find live worms in the dog's stool?
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What kind of worms are round and yellow and can be seen in a dogs stool?

Roundworm If it is your dog you need to treat it for worms.

Why do dogs get worms?

Intestinal worms are parasites, which are caused by the dog being exposed (usually by eating something unpleasant) to the immature forms of the worms. Dogs can also get some worms from insects biting them, such as fleas carrying tapeworms and mosquitoes carrying heartworms. Ticks are also a known reservoir of internal parasites for dogs, along with several nasty bacterial infections like Lyme disease.

Can adults get worms from dogs?

The answer is NO humans can not get worms from dogs

Deworm a dog?

Dogs can get several types of worms that include roundworms, tapeworms, coccidia, and whipworms. There is medication that you can give your dog to deworm them. Treating your dog for the correct type of worm is important and a vet can help determine which type of worm you dog may have.

Can I put a drop of bleach in the dogs water to deworm them?

No Think of it this way if you had worms would you put bleach in your own food or drink and hope that takes care of it or would you go to the doctor. Take the dog to the vet. Worms are something that needs to be addressed asap. The longer you wait the harder it is going to be to get rid of them.

How long does it take for the pills to kill worms in dogs?

It depends on the type of internal parasite you are trying to kill. Round worms should be dewormed twice. Should be done 10 -14 days again after the first time. You get the adults the first time but not the babies, so by 10-14 days the babies have grown up and you can kill them just before they reproduce at this time. If you or your Veterinarian has dewormed your dog and you are still seeing worms (round worms look like spaghetti and tape worms look like little grains of rice) then deworm again. Some of the worms you cannot see, such as hookworms, whip worms, etc. You should bring in a sample of your dog's feces or stool to have the Vet check it for parasite eggs.

Could your dogs bleeding stool be a symptom of a tick bite?

No, blood in a dogs stool can mean any number of things from mild to serious. Take your dog to the vet along with a stool sample if possible.

Why does your dogs tapeworms keep coming back after you deworm her?

over the counter meds does not treat tapeworms you need too go to your vet and get a prescrption Tape worms are not killed as easily as round worms are. Higher dosages of dewormer (most commonly used is Praziquantel ) are given when treating for tape worms. It is also very important to control fleas, as the dog can be reinfected when the animal swallows a flea carrying a tape worm egg.

Are horse worms different from dog worms?

Yes. Though the parasitic worms of horses are similar to the worms of dogs, they are not the the same. This means that horses won't pick up worms from dogs and vice versa.

What is a dog stool?

A dog stool is a sample of the dogs waste that veterinarians use to tell if the dog is sick. A "stool" is a lump of faeces (sh*t).

Do dogs who have parvo have worms in their poop?

Dogs can certainly have worms and parvo at the same time. But worms in the feces definitely means the dog has worms.

Do dogs have worms?
