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Q: What pain medication is similar to methadone in strength?
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Can you take methadone and tramadol?

yes, it is the desired type pain medication for people on methadone.

What pain medication will break through methadone 190mgs?

Well, no opiate-based pain medication will. Because methadone is an opiate, and because 190mg's is so much, there is no way any other opiate will be able to get through to the opioid receptors with that much methadone. You will have to take something for pain that is not opiate-based.

What other pain medication is this similar to?


What can i take for nausea and vomiting While taking methadone?

Taking less methadone would help. Talk to the doctor who prescribed you the methadone. He/she will be able to prescribe an anti-emetic such as Phenergan or change the methadone to another medication (if you are using it for pain).

What is the history of demerol?

Demerol is a narcotic pain reliever similar to morphine. Methadone is a synthetic opioid used as an analgesic and and maintenance anti-addictive.

What works better for pain methadone or vicodin?

For pain, Vicodin, for drug addiction treatment, methadone

How long does an individual need to be on methadone for pain pill addiction?

Methadone is for people who need help getting off heroin/opiates. For pain(methadone) pill addiction depends on the doctor. They also use methadone as a pain killer.

What can one do if Methadone for chronic pain is losing its effectiveness?

as far as your methadone you should of listed what doseage you are on and how long you have been taking methodone for pain. If that is the case and not for herion abuse, the only pain management is for fibromyalgia, You will build up a tolerance to opiate type drugs including methadone and relatively fast. You have to ask the prescribing physician this and they will determine what a safe level to go up or discontinue and try a patch for pain or another type of pain medication. Methadone is very dangerous, you can easily overdose on this medication in particular. Anna Nicole smith died as a result of over ingestion of this drug as well as her son, so be very careful and don't experiment though even one tablet could mean the difference between life and death.

Can methadone treat alcoholism?

No, Methadone is used for opiate addiction and pain management.

Why don't you get a buzz on methadone maintenance?

The purpose of methadone maintenance is to treat opiate addiction and in some cases pain management. Methadone is not meant to produce an euphoric effect and if a buzz feeling results after taking methadone, that usually means it is too much.

What is the category for morphine?

Methadone is an opiate medication (specifically an long-acting opiate agonist). It is prescribed in tablet form to treat pain, and in liquid form (at specially approved clinics) to treat opiate addiction - especially when withdrawing from heroin. Methadone is a DEA category 2 medication (as is the case with all other opiates, with the exception of codeine).

If you have break through pain on methadone what else can you use to help the break through?

Lots of option for breakthrough pain. Methadone is used as a long acting time released narcotic. Pain management clinics will depending on the the patient and the condition often offer a shorter acting pain relief narcotic for break through. Examples could include, norco, vicodin, Oxycontin, dilaudid, morphine in various strengths depending on the dosage of methadone and how many tabs a day are being taken. Also depending on the dosage of Methadone the strength may be increased or shorther period between doses could be an option. All depends on how long a person has be taking Methadone and what the break through pain level are on a scale of 1-10. Hope this helps. I feel your pain.