

What pairs up with TCACGTA?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What pairs up with TCACGTA?
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What would pair with TCACGTA?


What compounds pairs up with cytosine DNA molecule?

it pairs up with guanine.

How do the bases Pair up?

Adenine pairs up with Thymine and Cytosine pairs up with Guanine.

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The graduates walked in pairs down the aisle. The pairs of shoes were lined up neatly outside the dojo.

What bases pair up together to make DNA?

Adenine pairs up with Thymine, and Cytosine pairs up with Guanine

What always pairs up with adenine?

In DNA adenine pairs with thymine. In RNA adenine pairs with uracil.

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up to four pairs is the answer

What pairs up with each half of the DNA molecule?

Adenine pairs with Thymine, Cytosine pairs with Guanine

What base does guanine pair whit?

Guanine pairs up with cytosine in both DNA and RNA while adenine pairs up with thymine in DNA only.

What Nitrogen bases floating in the nucleus pairs up with what on each half of the DNA molecule.?

A pairs with T ,G pairs with C , T pairs with A, G pairs with C during replication .

How many base pairs make up a codon?

One codon is made up of three base pairs.

How are the four bases of DNA are paired up?

Adenine pairs with ThymineGuanine pairs with Cytosine