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Most species in the genus roystonea (Royal Palms) have the green leafshaft crown.

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Q: What palm tree has large green pods on its trunk?
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What tree has round green seed pods the size of cannonballs?

Coconut palm

Calculate what percent of the offspring produce green pods and what percent have yellow pods when there are 27 green and 9 yellow pods?

The yellow pods make up 25%, the Green pods make up the other 75%.

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Are green pods or yellow pods dominate in pea plants?

constricted :)

Mendel crossed two pea plants one with green pods and one with yellow pods. the F'S generation all had green pods. What color pods did the F'S generation have explain your answer.?

only green-podded plants. Incorrect^ Letter D on the sheet, about three-quarters green-podded plants and one-quarter yellow-podded plants.

What is a green bean A green slice that has beans in it or B a small green bean?

Neither. A green bean is the whole bean. The pods inside the bean are not beans, they are pods, and they are what give the bean its distinctive flavour.

When Mendel first crossed garden pea plants with green pods with plants withs yellow pods what color was the offspring?

When Mendel crossed pea plants with green pods with those with yellow pods, the offspring all had green pods if the green pod parent was homozygous. If the green pod parent was heterozygous, then half the offspring had green pods and half had yellow pods.