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Q: What parallels do you see between the experiences of the turtle and human experiences?
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What is the theme of the poem the sea turtle and the shark written by Melvin B. Tolson?

The theme of the poem "The Sea Turtle and the Shark" by Melvin B. Tolson explores the idea of power dynamics and predatory behavior in nature, drawing parallels to human interactions. It delves into the concepts of survival, competition, and the balance of power in the natural world.

How many years is 5 years in turtle years?

1 turtle year = 16 human years 5 turtle years = 80 human years

Was bowser a human?

Bowser is not a human he is a monster turtle

Why does Sophocles include other myths in 'Antigone'?

It is to entertain and instruct that other myths are included in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the ancient Greek dramatist deals with the themes of divine will, fate, human folly and wisdom. He incorporates parallels to similar experiences in other myths. The parallels tend to be found within the choral odes, by which the audience is entertained with the singing and instructed by the theme of the consequences of foolish and wise human behavior.

How much of the human population experiences brain freeze?

about 30% of the human population experiences brain freeze and 70% doesn't .

Is it possible for a box turtle to have HIV?

No, HIV= Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Human to human.

What is the plot of the documentary 'Brief Interviews With Hideous Men'?

The plot of the documentary "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men" revolves around Sara, a graduate student that is interviewing men as part of her studies. As she listens to the stories of the men she is interviewing she begins to see parallels between their stories and her own experiences. She soon realizes that human interactions are a lot darker than she realized.

What are some human experiences in Family Guy?

Not sure what exactly you're asking but there have been lots of "human experiences", death, birth, birthdays, graduations.

Why wont your turtle eat turtle food but eats human food?

human food probably tastes better - how would you like to eat that dried up junk

What animal can kill a jellyfish?

a human and also an loggerhead turtle.