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Q: What part can entrance of air into the lungs?
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What part of your nose serves as the entrance of your nasal cavities?

The nostrils serves as the entrance to your nasal cavities. After air has reached the nasal cavity, it will continue to the lungs.

What is the entrance and exit of air into and out of the lungs called?

Ventilation covers both of them inspiration for inhalation and expiration for exhalaion

Why is edema of the larynx likely to obstruct air way?

The larynx is situated just above the trachea which are tubes which carry air and oxygen to the lungs. Inflammation causes swelling of the tissues which can block the entrance to the trachea and air entry to the lungs

What body part let's out air?

Your lungs lets out air and it travels through your nose

What part of speech is the word cough?

The word cough is a noun. It is a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs. It can also be a verb meaning to push air from the lungs.

What part of your body absorbs oxygen from the air?

lungs respiratory system

What body system is the alveoli part of?

Respiratory. They are the air sacs in your lungs.

The entrance of the air from what part of the body the air enters first?

learn how to write ur question geez D:

Which part of the human body takes in oxygen directly from the air?

The lungs take in oxygen directly from the air.

Which part of the raspiratery system has the job of getting air ready for your lungs?


What does air move through which is part of the digestive system?

the lungs and respiratory system

What part of the respiratory system stops bacteria from getting into the lungs?

The air passage