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Levels of progression: Deacon, Priest, Bishop, Arch Bishop, Cardinal, Pope A deacon is not a priest everyone else is.

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Q: What part in the Catholic faith is a senior cardinal deacon?
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What is the rank higher than a Cardinal in the Catholic Faith?

Cardinals are in three orders. The most senior of the orders is Cardinal Bishop, then Cardinal Priest and finally Cardinal Deacon. The head of the College of Cardinals is the Dean.

Who can be a Cardinal in Catholic faith?

A cardinal is appointed by the Pope, and is usually a bishop, but can be a priest in certain instances, such as Fr. Avery Dulles.

Can a Catholic Deacon receive communion at Lutheran wedding?

Catholics are not to receive communion in any non Catholic church as in doing so it expresses a unity of faith that does not exist at this time.

If you are Catholic do you have to marry in the Church?

.Catholic AnswerYes, in the normal way of doing things, a Catholic must be married before a priest or deacon in a Church. In the Catholic faith marriage is a religious act, taken in the presence of God. Hence marriages not performed by the proper authority is not a marriage at all in the strictest sense.

Who is the Catholic cardinal of Wales and England?

Currently there is no ACTIVE Roman Catholic Cardinal of England and Wales. Since the restoration of the faith in England and Wales the Archdiocese of Westminster has been the Primate Archdiocese's. Usually the Archbishop in time would receive the red-hat and become a cardinal. However, at the moment Archbishop Vincent Nichols still awaits that honour. Interestingly, England and Wales do have a retired Cardinal still alive, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor but is past the retirement age of 80 to still be active.

Does the city of Jerusalem belong to the catholic faith?

No, catholic faith originated in Rome

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Under Western Canon Law a Bishop would only answer to a Cardinal: 1) if the Bishop is an auxiliary bishop and that bishop's ordinary happens to be a Cardinal (e.g., when Bishop Fulton Sheen was auxiliary Bishop of New York he answered to His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Cardinal Archbishop of new York) 2) if the Bishop is dealing with any Cardinal in the Roman Curia in an office that has authority over him (e.g., if a Bishop is dealing with the Congregation of Bishops)

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What is the motto of Neil McNeil Catholic Secondary School?

Neil McNeil Catholic Secondary School's motto is 'Fidelitas in Arduis'.

What are the release dates for Cardinal Adventures - 2013 A Test of Faith 1-1?

Cardinal Adventures - 2013 A Test of Faith 1-1 was released on: USA: 27 May 2013

What does red hat's for the Cardinal mean?

it means that they are running for Pope......i think, that was it. The Cardinals of the Catholic Church wear red because it is a symbol that they are ready to shed their blood (hence the color red) to defend their faith.

Are women canonized in the Catholic faith?

Yes, there are many, many female saints in the Catholic faith.