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There are several areas in New Jersey where section 8 housing is available. One of the best online sites to review is

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Q: What part of New Jersey offers section 8 housing?
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Related questions

What does the section 8 in section 8 housing refer to?

Section 8 in Section 8 housing refers to Section 8 of the Housing Act of 1937, which authorizes the housing choice voucher program. This program provides rental assistance to low-income individuals and families so they can seek housing in the private market.

Does Canada have section 8?

Information about finding mobile homes for rent in Canada can be found online on various websites. Ask is a site where people can ask or read similar questions and receive an answer. The Realtor website is a place to look for mobile homes in Canada.

How does the government lessen the problem of housing in cities?

The government lessens the problem of housing by providing section 8 homes and paying a part of lower income housing. They will also provide loans that help make housing easier to obtain in the city or elsewhere.

Definition of section 8 housing Michigan?

Regardless of what state you're in, the section 8 program is the same: its comprised of either public housing or a voucher that guarantees that the landlord will be paid a portion of the rent for a tenant who qualifies in the program, minus the tenant's portion of the rent, which is determined upon commencement of the program.

Was New Jersey part of the union or the confederacy?

New Jersey is part of the union

what are the qualification rules for low income rentals?

well many apartments have a set qualifications, so you could probably call around to certain complexes that are part of the housing programs and they will have that information for you There are different kinds of Section 8 assistance so call your local housing authority or go to HUD's website ( to find a Section 8 subsidized housing provider.

Can you get married and still keep your section 8 housing?

Yes, but if you get married, then the Housing Authority will add your new spouse's income as part of the total family income for that household, which could render you ineligible for the program if that income is too much.

What is the difference between housing and section 8?

Subsidized housing is referred to as housing that is subsidized by several different programs, including, but not limited to, the section 8 program. There is no such thing as section 8 housing, per se. The section 8 program is comprised of a voucher program, by which its holder would look for an apartment or other rental home, and the landlord, a private owner, would agree to accept the voucher for its part of the rent payment, and charge the renter the difference. The other program that often is referred to section 8, but it really isn't, is public housing. Like section 8, is administered by the local housing authority in the area, which is why it is often mistaken for section 8. People also call it section 8 because it too is covered under the section 8 program that voucher programs covered under.Many apartments in the rural area and some urban areas are financed by government sponsored guaranteed loans with low interest to the owner of the property. In exchange, the owner agrees to assist low income renters by adjusting their rent according to their income. These apartments are called low income housing tax credit , or LIHTC apartments. They are subsidized under HUD and USDA.

Is jersey part of the UK?

Yes, Jersey is in fact part of the UK. Jersey is located in the British Isles. However, there is also New Jersey in the United States.

What Assets can I own under section 8 housing?

There is no limit on what you can own in terms of assets. But if they total over $15,000, then 2% of that per year will be considered part of your income.

Why do you claim child support as income for section 8 housing?

Probably because the rules for the section 8 housing program requires you to report the child support payment as a part of your income when it is received. For income tax purposes on your federal income tax return child support is NOT TAXABLE income that you would report on your 1040 tax form.

Parts of a newspaper and its definition?

The headline is one part of the newspaper. This is the bolded type that is designed to grab the readers attention. The classified section is a section where jobs, housing and items being sold are listed. The sports section has stories relating to sports. The front page has the most important stories of the day.