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It is in cell. It is a waterproof material.

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Q: What part of a cell contains lignin?
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What is the part of a cell that contains cell materials?

The part of a cell that contains organelles is called the cytoplasm in Eurkaryotic cells

How does lignin help xylem vessels to carry out their function?

Lignin is a type of polymer found in the cell walls of plant cells that provides support and structure for the plant- it makes them rigid.

What cell part contains an organism's genome?

The nucleus of the cell contains the genome.

What cell part contains info on the cell?

the nucleus

What part of the cell contains water and dissolved water?

what part of an animal cell contains water and dissolve and dissolve minerals?

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One of the things that phyloroglucin contains is lignin.

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What is the part of a cell that contains cell materials?

The part of a cell that contains organelles is called the cytoplasm in Eurkaryotic cells

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Plant cell structure composed of cellulose and lignin?

cell wall

How does lignin help xylem vessels to carry out their function?

Lignin is a type of polymer found in the cell walls of plant cells that provides support and structure for the plant- it makes them rigid.

The substance that strengthens and waterproofs cell walls is?

The substance that strengthens and waterproofs cell walls is called lignin. Lignin is a complex polymer that provides structural support to plant cells and helps to make the cell walls rigid and impermeable to water.

What cell part contains an organism's genome?

The nucleus of the cell contains the genome.

What part of the cell contains characteristics of the cell?


What cell part contains info on the cell?

the nucleus

What part of the cell contains water and dissolved water?

what part of an animal cell contains water and dissolve and dissolve minerals?