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Q: What part of a flower is a passage way for pollen?
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How the pollen must travel in order for pollination to occur?

one way is from insects such as bees, picking the pollen up and dispersing it onto the female flower. or the wind can pick up the pollen and it will either float somewhere else or it will blow to a female flower

How does the nucleus in a pollen grain get from the stigma to the ovary of a flower?

they germinate and grow a small tube all the way to the ovary

What is the function of pollen?

Pollen is the plants mechanism of transferring haploid (n) male genetic material (male gametophytes) from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another (cross-pollination) or from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the same flower (self-pollination).The pollen grain is hard and encapsulates the genetic materials (of one parent) with in, in very much the same way that a seed contains the genetic material of both parents.Pollen is small (sometimes microscopic), light and can travel far by wind or attached to insects (bees, moths, butterflies).In angiosperms pollen is produced in the anther of the flowers, in gymnosperms it is produced in the male cones of the plant.When the pollen grain lands on the stigma of suitable flower (very closely related species or same species) the pollen grain germinates; a pollen tube grows down the style and into the ovary (controlled by the generative and tube nucleus - which were contained in the pollen grain) of the flower, here it releases two sperm nuclei which fuse with the haploid (n) nucleus of the ovule to form a zygote.Pollen is made in the male part of the flower (anther) and is full of genetic material. When the pollen and the ova (egg) are joined the DNA from the pollen enters the ova and joins with its DNA. This is fertilisation and the fertilised ova grows into a seed. (pollen has a similar job to do for plants that sperm does for animals).

why are petals brightly colored?

to attract bugs to land on it. After landing on the flower pollen will stick to the bugs feet, so then when the bug lands on another flower, it will pollinate it. That is one way of how flowers reproduce sexually.

What are some characteristics of flowers that draw insects to them and how the visits of insects help flowering plants to survive?

Flowers have bright colors that attract many kinds of insects, including bees. Daily visits help the flower pass pollen to another flower, which helps make more seeds. Wind is another way that flowers pass pollen.

Related questions

Describe one way in which the pollen from the male part of the flower gets to the female part of a flower?

it travels through the plant

What is one way that pollen can get from the anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower?

It is transferred by wind or bees.

What do pollinators do and how is this helpful in the life cycle of a flowering plant?

pollinators well... pollinate the plant... and this acts as a way to reproduce plants. The pollen is the male part of the flower. It will land on a female part of the flower, and fertilize it, creating a seed that will grow into a new plant.

What is a way that pollen can be moved from flower to flower?

Pollen can be transferred by the wind or by insects such as bees. Some flowers are also pollinated by animals such as bats and hummingbirds.

Are all flowers attractive and beautiful?

Most flowers are beautiful. They appear this way in order to attract bugs. When a bug lands on a flower's petals, the flower's pollen will get stuck on the bug's body. When the bug lands on a different flower, the pollen is transferred to the new flower.

What is the process of transferring pollen from male to female?

The process of transferring pollen from the male to the female reproductive organs in plants is known as pollination. It can occur either through self-pollination, where the pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma within the same flower or plant, or cross-pollination, where the pollen is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different plant of the same species. This transfer can occur through various agents, including wind, water, insects, birds, or other animals.

What are some examples of plant animal interaction adaptations?

A bee has to adapt somethinf to get pollen off of a flower and a plant has to evolve a way to get the pollen to the bee.

What does bee do when it sit on flower?

A bee lands on a flower in order to eat its pollen. This is the way that the bees survive, and feed off certain flowers.

How the pollen must travel in order for pollination to occur?

one way is from insects such as bees, picking the pollen up and dispersing it onto the female flower. or the wind can pick up the pollen and it will either float somewhere else or it will blow to a female flower

Where does pollen came from?

i think that probably the came from the ovule of the flower and the go all the way up to the stigma

How does pollen help a plant?

Pollen helps plants to fruit. -For instance without pollination we would have very few Almonds, blueberries, strawberries, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and many others. Pollination of plants is critical to human survival.

Is it good for the bee if it takes pollen from a flower?

It doesn't hurt the bee, if that's what you are wondering. Actually, the bee isn't trying to collect pollen at all. Bees stop on flowers to collect nectar, and the pollen clings to the fluff on their bodies. When the bee stops at another flower, the pollen from another plant is brushed onto the flower. This is one way that flowers reproduce. The nectar collected by the bee then goes on to become honey after it is taken back to the hive. So, when a bee takes pollen from a flower, it is neither good nor bad, but a neutral interaction.