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Q: What part of a hair structure contains connective tissue?
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Is hair a connective tissue?


What tissue makes up the dermis?

Dense irregular connective tissue are tissue types found in the dermis.subcutaneous layerThe Dermis of the skin is composed of Dense Irregular Connective tissue

What is a sheath of epithelial and connective tissue around hair?

Skin! In epidermis, you have epithelial tissue. In case of dermis, you have connective tissue.

What epithelial layer surrounds hair root?

Connective Tissue Sheath

What epithelial layer that surrounds hair root?

Connective Tissue Sheath

Is the outermost sheath of a hair the connective tissue root sheath?


Were does collagen belong to?

The collagen is found in connective tissue, skin, bone, hair, nail.

What Part of the hair in the dermis and hypodermis?

the hair root is in the dermis and the actually hair is on the epidermis

What tissue contains loose arrangement of the elastic and collagen fibers?

Reticular layerpapillary layer and reticular layerhave collagenic fibers, however most of abundant area would be the epidermis (as a whole)Unfortunately for them, but fortunately I'm here for you, the answer is Dermis. The dermis is composed of connective tissue containing mainly of collagen fibers and also elastic and reticular fibers. Also, contains connective tissue cells, blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, nail root, nerve endings, and muscular tissues. WE WANT CORRECT ANSWERS ...(ANSWERS.COM) :)

Structures such as hair fingernails tendons and connective tissue are made from which type of organic molecule?


What does the epidermis dermis and subcutaneous layer have in common?

salvationThe epidermis is a superficial part of skin that is made up of 4-5 strata. Dermis is the deep part of the skin, which is the connective tissue composed of two layers.

Whcih tissue helps make up the integumentary system?

The epidermis consists of stratified squamous epithelium. The dermis consists of fibrous connective tissue. The hypodermis consists of loose connective tissue and adipose tissue.