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The arm.

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Canada is responsible for manufacturing the Canadarm, a robotic arm used on the space shuttle for tasks such as capturing and positioning payloads. They also built the Canadarm2, an upgraded version used on the International Space Station for assembly and maintenance activities.

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Q: What part of a space shuttle does Canada make?
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What part of the space shuttle was made in Canada?

the arm

What is a chioken?

A part on the Space shuttle

Was there a reason for inventing the space shuttle?

To make a cheap, reusable spacecraft. The cheap part failed.

What space shuttle was reused?

The space shuttle that was reused was the Space Shuttle Orbiter, a part of NASA's Space Shuttle system. The first orbiter to be reused was Columbia, followed by Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

What country launched the first shuttle?

The United States launched the first space shuttle, called the Space Shuttle Columbia, on April 12, 1981. It was part of the NASA space shuttle program.

Which part of the space craft came back to earth?

The space shuttle.

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The first space shuttle sent into outer space was the Space Shuttle Columbia. It was launched on April 12, 1981, as part of the STS-1 mission.

How many space shuttle flights have been launched?

A total of 135 space shuttle flights were launched between 1981 and 2011 as part of NASA's Space Shuttle Program.

What was US's first space shuttle called?

The US's first space shuttle was called Columbia. It was part of NASA's Space Shuttle Program and completed its first orbital flight on April 12, 1981.

Which part of the space shuttle orbits the earth?

The orbiter.

What is the most difficult part of getting a shuttle into space?

If we were to ask NASA what is the most difficult part of getting a shuttle into space, I believe the answer would be, getting the appropriation through Congress.

What is the second space shuttle to take flight?

The first space shuttle that "flew" was the Enterprise, but it was not capable of space flight.The first orbital shuttle was Columbia.The next orbital shuttle was Challenger.