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Q: What part of a sunflower is the reproductive?
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Why is Ray florets of sunflower described as neuters?

Because it has both male and female reproductive organs lacking

Which part of a sunflower plant absorbs water and nutrient?

The Part Of The Sunflower Which Absorbs Water And Nutrients Is The Roots Of The Sunflower

Is sunflower is bisexual?

The sunflower is a bisexual flower. This means that it has both male and female reproductive parts, so you not need both a male and female plant in order to have flowers.

Is testes part of a female reproductive system?

No; it's part of the male reproductive system.

Which system are the testes part of?

The testes are part of the male reproductive system, in which their function is sperm production. The testes are also part of the endocrine system, in which they make the hormone testosterone.

The clitellum functions as part of the system in earthworms.?

The clitellum is a part of the earthworm's reproductive system. It is the part of the worm that makes the egg cocoon.

Which reproductive system contains testes?

The eiodidymis is part of the male reproductive system

Is it safe to feed cockatiels sunflower seeds?

yes sunflower seeds are part of cockatiels seed mix

Is the prostate gland part of the urinary system or reproductive system?

reproductive system

Is the pistil a male or female part?

i just learned that the pistils r the females reproductive part of a flower a males reproductive part is called a steman

How much protein is in a cup of sunflower seeds?

Sunflower kernels (the edible part inside the hull) are about 23% protein.

Is the bladder part of the reproductive system?
