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Q: What part of a tree protects itself?
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How does the margay protect itself?

it protects itself by being on a high tree or being in a herd with its friends and relatives.

How does the coquis adapt to its environment?

the coqui protects itself by camouflage th coqui protects itself by hiding in the trees of puerto rico and jumping from the tree to live

How does the Black bear protect itself?

it protects itself by if it cant avoid danger it wiil climb a tree they are exclent climbers

Is a tree bark a organism?

no. it's part of an organism, the tree itself.

What part of the plant protects the wood?

Bark, if you mean tree and since you mentioned wood

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It protects itself

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it defends itself by hissing and showing its fangs to its attacker

How does the crocodile protects itself?

it`s armored body protects itself from predetors

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Which part of the atmosphere protects us from meteors?

The air itself protects us from smaller meteors. They burn up before reaching the surface. It cannot protect us from very large ones.

How does the tiger protects it self?

a tiger salamander protects itself by poisoning its prey.

How does the eye protects itself?

the eye lashes protects the eye from on coming objects