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It's shell (I bet you're searching this answer up either cause you just want to improve your General Knowledge or it's because you go to James An College)

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Q: What part of a turtle protects its important organs?
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What part of the skeleton protects the body vital organs?

I would say you rib cage protects you vital organs.

The skeletal part of the musculoskeletal system does what?

Protects the organs of the organism

What part of the body supports and protects your delicate organs like your brain liver and lungs?

The skeletal system protects and supports your organs. For instance, the skull protects the brain, and the ribs protect the lungs and liver.

What is part of the body of the exoskeloton that covers the cephalothorax and protects the internal organs?


What is the flexible part of the skeletal system?

protects the organs of the organism.

What part of your body are protected by the skeleton?

it protects internal organs such as lungs brain and heart.

What organs protects bones?

Three sets of bones protect the internal organs:The skull protects the brainThe rib cage, anchored by the sternum and vertebral column, protects the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen.The pelvis protects the urinary and reproductive organs, as well as the lower part of the intestines

How does the skeletal system protect your organs?


What part of the body acts like a cage what does it protect?

The ribcage acts as a cage and protects your vital organs.

What other organs does the skull work with?

skull protects the brain,eyes part of the spinal cord and the eardrums

What part of the skeletal system protects the organs in the lower body?

helps from being damaged

Is a skeletal system part or the organ system?

i think the skeletal system is its own system that protects internal organs