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It takes both a yolk and albumen to form a chicken. Both are used to grow the embryo during incubation.

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13y ago

To simplify it: The yolk would become the future chicken. The white is the nourishment the future chicken would use until it hatches.

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Q: What part of an egg is the chicken and what is the other part of the egg for?
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What part of the Leghorn Chicken's egg is white?

The multilayer hard shell of the egg of a White Leghorn chicken is white. The inside is the same color as every other chicken's egg. The shell is white because the Leghorn does not have the color genes to have blue shells or brown applied to the outer shell layers.

Ostrich egg equal to single cell?

Think of the ostritch egg as a chicken egg. The yellow of the chicken egg is the nucleus, the white part is the ctyoplasm and the shell is the cell membrane/cell wall. So now an ostritch egg is just a bigger version of a chicken egg. GET IT?

What makes an egg?

a chicken or other bird.

How much strength in a chicken egg shell?

a chicken egg is much stronger than any other egg because the way it is is token care of and fertilized

What part of the chicken egg acts as placenta in mammals?

The allantois, yolk sac and part of chorion.

Chicken first or the egg?

the egg because you cant have a chicken without an egg. if you dont have a egg....chickens will cease to exist.popy

Is what came first the chicken or the egg a paradox?

The egg came first scientist have traced back 1000s of years to find out that other scientists made the first chicken egg.

Is yellow in the middle of chicken safe?

No, it's the least healthy part of the egg.

What Does an unfertlized chicken egg look like?

On the outside - just like any other egg.

Does all of the early embryo become part of the chicken?

No , the "white" part of the egg is the food of the developing chick