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Q: What part of photosynthesis creates oxygen?
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What are the importance of photosynthesis to all organisms?

creates oxygen

The process of photosynthesis creates oxygen and what sugar?


What gas is produced by phytoplankton?

Since phytoplankton perform photosynthesis, and photosynthesis creates oxygen, I'd say oxygen.

Photosynthesis creates what?

Glucose is the main product. Oxygen forms as a by product

What does photosynthesis do to the planet?

Plants going through photosynthesis eat the harmful carbon dioxide and creates oxygen as a result.

Photosynthesis is part of the carbon cycle the product of photosynthesis is?

Oxygen and Glucose

Which part of a muscle tissue cell creates photosynthesis?

The mitochondria

What do the chlororplasts of green plants use carbon dioxide for?

Photosynthesis. To create food. Their waste Product is Oxygen, They have no use for it Photosynthesis creates Glucose (for energy) and oxygen out of the leftover elements

Which part of photosynthesis is oxygen produced?

the cell

What part of photosynthesis is glucose?

glucose is made in photosynthesis oxygen is also made

What creates oxygen?

Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide from people and release oxygen for people to breathe and live.

Does photosynthesis and respiration both produce carbon dioxide?

It is utilized in photosynthesis. CO2 is released in respiration