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I'm sure there are chickens in all American states, as there are in most countries of the world.

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Q: What part of the US does chicken eggs come from?
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What is the importance of chickens?

if you do not cook chicken properly then bacteria grow and cause diseases such as salmonella etc

Who come first egg or hen?

The chicken because God created it first to lay eggs just like he created us to have children....

What do chikens give us?

Eggs & themselves-if you like chicken.

What kind of animal can give us milk and eggs?

A chicken and cow

How do chickens help us?

Chicken is very useful to man. Chicken is a great source of protein. It is used for it's meat and for it's eggs. Chicken is also used for breeding.

What is the estimated amount of chicken eggs in the US that are contaminated with Salmonella?

All chicken eggs are contaminated but if you cook them properly and clean the area of where it was put when it was raw it should be fine.

Are the eggs you eat from chickens?

In the Western world, most people who eat eggs eat chicken eggs. However, in other parts of the world, and often on farms in the US, other kinds of eggs are regularly eaten such as duck, goose, and quail.

How are chickens useful to us?

Well the obvious answer would be that they are a food source. Not only do we eat the chicken itself but also the eggs from the (eggs & meat), bedding (feathers), fertilizer, etc.

What part of the us did ghost stories come from?

these stories come from me ((;

When did the chicken come to the US?

it was during the time of emporer Naze Gorine. it was transported from the moon to the us by rocket so it was around 1275.

Is chicken from cows?

Yes it technically does. because barley, wheat and some other types of seeds are actually grown in farms. Then, they are grinded in the mills which gives us different type of flour. Rice is milled as well to give us rice flour.

Is it safe to eat eggs from a chicken that was eating another chicken?

Why would that chicken eat a chicken anyway? Well the answer is only if it was a DEAD chicken that had been plucked and stuff one that's cooked or ready to cook, I know this because my friend gave us some meat once and (turns out it was chicken) we didn't know what it was. She always plays pranks on me as well so i didn't really trust her, so i gave it to the chooks (4 chickens) that was about a year ago and i still eat my chickens eggs.