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Q: What part of the US economy had the biggest boost after ww1?
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What effect did ww1 have on the economy?

there are different aspects that divided the economy in ww1. the first reason was conscription; this was a term given to a law that was attempted to be made in ww1 times. if approved it meant that all men from 18-up would be forced to go to war. a lot of people disagreed with this and so the economy was split in to agreers and disagreers of conscription. another reason was 'the white feather'. if a man did not go to war willingly he would usually be sent a white feather which symbolises cowardliness. some people agreed with the white feather and some people didn't so again this caused a division of economy. some people disagreed with war completely which would have caused debates.

What were economic conditions like in Germany after WW1?

Bad. In the Treaty of Versailles (the one that ended the war) Germany was put with the most reparation payments. Their economy crumbled. Their money became inflated and most people went bankrupt.

What group went into an economic depression almost as soon as WW1 ended?

the U.S.A you non-american!

Why was German economy bad in 1925?

The German people were generally blamed for starting WW1 because Germany caused the most casualties and the most damage. Because of this completely false accusation, Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles which made Germany pay every country it damaged. The German government was in a frenzy to pay off this unfair debt and began mass printing the German currency. This lead to such massive inflation that a loaf of bread at one point cost over 20,000,000,000 (billion) German Marks. WW1 ended in 1919, and Germany didn't really begin to prosper again until the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933.

How did WW1 affect Britain's economy?

Britain has already been in an economic decline, both they and France owed USA millions of dollars, meaning they had huge loans, and the damage cost roughly 20 billion pounds... Naturally things didn't get much better since the production was slow later, etc