

What part of the bible do bees like?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Bees only like one thing. The hive and making sure the Queen is taken care of. They do not think nor do they read.

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Q: What part of the bible do bees like?
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What does the Bible say about bees?

The Bible describes bees as hardworking and organized creatures, emphasizing their importance in producing honey as food. Additionally, bees are used as a metaphor for strength and unity, highlighting the power of a community working together towards a common goal.

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When the compartment of honey bees is filled with honey then where do they live?

A beehive has different sections. The main part is called a brood box and that is where the bees live and raise the young bees. The other part is known as a honey 'super' and that is where the bees store the honey.

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Bees are an integral part of the ecological system. If/when bees begin to disappear, it is a message that something is wrong.

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Male bees are the big, fuzzy bees without stingers.

Are bees vertabrates?

No. Bees, like all insects, are invertebrates

What part of its body is the bees wings?

the thorax