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Erithrocytes do not have nucleii.But only mammalian erithrocytes.

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Q: What part of the blood caries oxygen no nucleus?
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Which part of a blood cell is used for DNA profiling?

The DNA in the nucleus, although this would need to be a white blood cell as red blood cells have no nucleus, instead using the space to store oxygen.

What is the process called removal of nucleus from RBC?

The process of removing the nucleus from a red blood cell is called enucleation. This process is a natural part of the maturation of red blood cells to enable them to carry oxygen more efficiently.

What part of the blood carries oxygen?

The red blood cells carry the oxygen in blood.

Blood receive oxygen in the?

Blood gets oxygen in the cells. This is part of the body system.

Why dont red blood cells contain a Nucleus?

The loss of the nucleus is all part of the red blood cell's adaptations for its function of carrying oxygen around the body. Each cell is packed with a protein called hemoglobin, which attracts oxygen very strongly when blood flows through the lungs, so can carry as much oxygen as possible. Its other adaptation to its function is that it has a biconcave shape - this enables it to have a large surface area for picking up oxygen in the first place. During their maturation in mammals, a red blood cells loses its nucleus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, which makes them inactive metabolically.

What cell in the body doesn't have a nucleus when it is mature?

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) don't have nuclie when they are mature, the same thing applies to platelets (thrombocytes).Answer^correct red blood cells are full of hemoglobin wich caries oxygen AnswerFirst answer is spot-on. Corralaries: 1. You can't clone a human being from a red blood cell. (Even if we knew how to clone human beings :) )2. You can't do genetic test that depend on the genome using a red blood cell. (You can do genetic test based on microsomal RNA since the microsomes are intact and weren't part of the cell's nucleus to begin with.)

What part of blood binds oxygen?


Is red blood cell prokaryote or eukaryote?

Red blood cells, despite their lack of a nucleus, is considered to be a eukaryote. This is mainly because the stem cell it originated from had a nucleus, but it disappeared in order to make room to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also, a red blood cell is still part of the kingdom animalia, not monera which is what prokaryotes belong to.

What helps blood carry oxygen?

The only part of the blood which carries oxygen are the red blood cells. These blood cells contain what is known as hemoglobin, which is the most efficient part of the cell, and the only part of the cell, that can carry oxygen.

What does blood deliver every part of the body?

It delivers oxygen to every part of the body.

What does blood delivers to every part of the body?

Blood transport oxygen.

What does blood delivers to every part of the body.?

Blood transport oxygen.