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Most alcohol is usually absorbed in the digestive tract. And most, by far, is absorbed in the small intestine but some is absorbed in the mouth, throat and stomach.

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Q: What part of the body absorb alcohol?
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Related questions

When does your body start to absorb alcohol?

As soon as it enters the mouth.

How does body fat affect alcohol absorption?

Body fat does not absorb alcohol so the fatter a person is, the greater the concentration of alcohol in the blood, other things being equal.

How does alcohol get into the user's body?

Alcohol tends to get into the body by consuming it orally. There are other ways, however it isn’t recommended other than orally. Different bodies absorb alcohol at varying rates.

Can a blood alcohol test detect one shot?

Yes, but not right away, it takes time for you body to absorb the alcohol into your bloodstream.

Is absolute alcohol dangerous if consumed?

Absolute alcohol means almost 100% alcohol. It is highly hygroscopic. If you keep it open, it will absorb moisture from the atmosphere. If you drink it in large quantity, it will absorb all the water inside your body which may lead to a fatal result.

What part of your body alcohol does not affects?

alcohol affects every organ in your body; that's if you have too much.

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Does the more body weight a person has the quicker alcohol is absorbed?

Big body with lots of reserved food like fats absorb alcohol very slowly. Thin people get quick kicks after a few pegs.

what body part gets ride of the alcohol in the body?

The main organ which does that is the liver.

Why does alcohol Make A Difference If You Are Hungry?

If you drink on a empty stomach your body will absorb the alcohol faster. It is not being absorbed by the food in your digestive system that would take longer to digest.

What part of your body alcohol affects?

achohol affects almost every part of your body... your muscles your brain, your stomach... just about everything that can go wrong will go wrong, if you have to much alcohol

What part of the digestive system does the body absorb broken down food particles?

the stomache