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The large intestine

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Q: What part of the body precedes the small intestine?
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What part of the body precedes the small intestines?

The large intestine

In the digestive system what part of the body precedes the larger intestine?


In the digestive system what part of the body precedes the small intestine?

The answer to the question is the pyloric sphincter. The pyloric sphincter is the part of the digestive system that precedes the small intestine.Ê

The duodenum is the part which part of the human body?

Yes. After the stomach here comes the duodenum. It is a part of small intestine.

what is the longest part of body?

small intestine

In the digestive system what part of the body precede the large intestine?

small intestine

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The small intestine

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The small intestine.

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small intestine

What part of your body does cholera affect?

Cholera is an infection of the small intestine that causes a largeamount of watery diarrhea. So basically the small intestine.

What part of the body use to get food?

By the large and small intestine. The feces are formed in the large intestine, these are undigested foods.

In what part of the body does digestion happen?

Digestion happens in the stomach and the small intestine.