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Q: What part of the brain does phencyclidine effect?
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What is the addictive property found in pcp?

Phencyclidine (PCP) is addictive because of the effect it has on brain function and the central nervous system. It makes people who take it have an "out-of-body" experience, and they end up wanting more.

What part of the brain does bipolar effect?

medulla oblongata

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all of it

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The brain.

What part of the brain does OCD effect?

the left side of your head

Which part of the human brain Do headaches mostly effect?

There are no pain receptors in the brain. A headache isn't actually in your brain, it's in the tissue surrounding your brain.

Which part of the body do drugs mostly effect?

The brain it effects mostly.

What part of the brain does scarlet fever affect?

no its effect on throat and skin

What effect does damage to the cerebellum have on the brain?

The cerebellum is part of the brain, but if you damage the cerebellum, the person will have difficulty with coordinated movement.

What sections of the brain are effected by epileptic seizures?

it all depends on what type of epilepsy on witch part of the brain it effect's types of epilepsy effect both side of the brain .some are to hard to pin point

What part of the body do alprazolam effect?

The central nervous system including the brain.

Why does the drug speed have the reverse effect on ADHD patients?

It is because in ADD/ADHD patients there is a part of their brain that is running slower than the rest of the brain.. the stimulants activate 'that' part of the brain so it can run at the same speed as the rest of the brain.