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Q: What part of the brain is depressed by narcotics?
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What part in your brain makes you depressed?

The part of the brain that translate the signals sent by ones eyes when they see a person's weight on a scale.

What does narcotics do to the brain?

Narcotics damage the brain by eating up the good cells in your lungs that's why your lungs turn black ///////////smoking is bad for you! Narcotics do not eat brain cells, they block the pain receptors in your brain. Narcotics do not need to be smoked, and usually aren't. The main damage to you would be addiction, which can ruin your life trying to supply your habit. Actually narcotic have little damaging effect to your body.

Can narcotics affect your period?

Narcotics can affect your period, usually by causing absent periods related to elevated prolactin levels in the brain.

When depressed is the serotonin in your brain decreased or increased?


How does heroin makes you depressed?

it messes with the serotonin in your brain

What kinds of things happen in the brain when someone is depressed?

In a normal person's brain, certain chemicals are being produced. When a person is depressed or has depression, those chemicals aren't being made.

Why are you so depressed after you eat?

After you eat something might like a gas might be going to the brain , causing you to feel depressed.

What is depressed during alcohol consumption?

Alcohol depresses brain function.

What is the relationship between endorphins and narcotics such as cocaine?

The molecules lodge (or trigger) the same receptor sites in the brain.

When blood pH begins to rise the respiratory control centers in the brain are?


Why people loves cookies?

Because they're tasty, and loaded with sugar, which has a similar effect on the human brain to narcotics.

What is the most depressed part of the crust?

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