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Q: What part of the cell makes its own food?
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What do a chloroplast do in the cell?

It makes it so that the cell can make it's own food.

What part of the cell that contains chlorophyll that makes it green and produce food?

They are chemical organelles (cell parts) that contain chlorophyll so plants can make their own food.

What are the parts of a cell?

The 13 parts of a cell are:cell wallcell membranemitochondriavacuolechloroplastnucleuscytoplasmendoplasmic reticulumgolgi bodieslysosomeribosomesNucleolusNuclear Membrane

What is found in only plant cell and makes their own food?


Can a plant cell make its own food?

It makes puppy love with john cena and then does an RKO

What happens during the light part of photosynthesis to take place?

It takes place in chloroplast ONLY in the plant cell, because only a plant makes it's own food.

How do euglena ingest food?

Euglanas have chloroplasts, to absorb sunlight. If sunlight is not available, it can absorb nutrients from decayed organic material.

Which type of cell make its own food?

a plant cell containing chloroplsts make its own food

What part of the cell does a plant use to make its own food?

The part of the plant that makes food is called the chloroplast. Carbon dioxide, water, and energy from sunlight mix to make food for the plant through a process called photosynthesis

What kind of food does elodea eat?

it makes its own food through photosynthesis it makes its own food through photosynthesis

What makes its own food using chlorophyll?

Plant and algae makes its own food using chlorophyll.

Any organism that makes its own food by photosynthesis is?

An organism that makes its own food by photosynthesis is an autotroph.