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The Central Processing Unit, or CPU is responsible for carrying out the instructions of a computer program. Playing the role of the "brain", the CPU carries out the basic arithmetical, logic and input/output operations of the system.

You can read more about the CPU here:

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Q: What part of the computer executes instructions to to process information?
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Data, information, and instructions.

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In two basic stages: i) process - the computer needs, and is easily provided with, instructions about what to do with the data, and ii) data - readily accessible information that is accessed, operated upon, and results displayed by the instructions stored in the computer's instruction program.

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How does a R.I.S.C processor differ?

The term RISC means Reduced Instruction Set Computer, as opposed to CISC, which is Complex Instruction Set Computer. The RISC processor is different from the CISC process between it has far fewer instructions, but it executes them much faster, because of its simpler internal design.

Why you cannot operate a computer without computer software?

A computer needs instructions to perform a task. There are many aspects of a computer, such as all the internal parts, the peripherals, and the software components. A computer needs hardware to store and process information, and needs software instructions to do anything for us. If there was no software at all on a computer it would merely be a box of parts. There would be no software telling the computer to show information on the output, and no software to accept instructions from the input.

What is a programmable computer?

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What sets of instructions do computers use to process data? - Computer Programs

What makes a machine a computer?

The ability to store and process instructions.

Computer process output information into input data?

No. Computer process (input) information into (output) data.

Processor existing computer instructions that manipulate data results in useful output?

Process,or existing computer instructions that manipulate data, results in useful output?

What is software installation?

the process of shoving suff into your computer, slowing the download and sharing of all shareware, and other leeching programs that made. Software is the information or instructions that are written as a set of processes called a program. This program or software is installed on the hard-drive of your computer and the computer's brain or processor follow these programming instructions to run processes selected by you. Software installation is the process of transferring the information/program from the disc to the hard-drive

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