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The semi-circular ear canal

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Q: What part of the ear detects motion when you spin?
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Which part of the ear detects motion and governs balance?

It is the part of the earth called the inner was, more specifically the semi circular canals for balance

What part of the inner ear is responsible for hearing?

Cochlea is the part of inner ear, which detects sound waves.

What detects linear acceleration in the ear?

The utricle and macula are a part of the vestibular. Macula responds to linear acceleration and deceleration. So the vestibular detects linear acceleration.

How your ears function?

The ear can be defined as the organ that detects sound. It not only receives sound, but it also aids in the balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system

What is the fluid-filled chamber in the inner ear that detects changes in gravity called?

This part of the inner ear is called the phlaguylmm. This part of the ear can tell whether or not your sitting right side up, or laying down!

What is the portion of the inner ear that detects sound?

The tympanic membrane commonly called the ear drum. This membrane is stretched taut across the ear canal and detects tiny pressure deviations that are processed by the brain as sound.

When spinning you lose balance because the fluids spin around in?

In your organs of balance, the hemispherical canals, which are part of your middle ear.

Anatomy and physiology of ear eye nose throat?

ear is the organ that detects sounds. eyes is organ that allowed you to see thing.

How can sounds travel?

sound is simply the vibration of particle if you talk then your vocal cords vibrate making sound an ear detects sound using a bone witch shakes a part of your ear with sensitive hair the hair then sends the sound as an electric signal down your nerves

Which part of the ear connects it to the outside world?

The part of the ear that connects it to the outside world is the outer ear. The outer ear contains the ear drum and the bell. The bell is the part of the ear that shows on the outside.

What part of the ear converts vibrations to action potentials?

The inner ear contains the receptors for sound which convert fluid motion into action potentials that are sent to the brain to enable sound perception. The airborne sound waves must be transferred into the inner ear for hearing to occur.

The pinna and the ear canal are part of the?

the ear