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The polar regions receive less energy from the Sun for four reasons :

1) the angle of the Sun's rays is almost always greater than elsewhere on Earth

2) the albedo of the surface (reflectivity) is higher because of snow and ice

3) at any given time, either the arctic or the antarctic will be in winter, with very short days

4) the poles have significant cloud cover from storms

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10y ago

There isn't one; EVERY part of the Earth is influenced by the energy of the Sun.

You might think that the night half of Earth would qualify; but wherever it is night now, it will soon be day.

On second thought, the core of the Earth isn't affected at all by the Sun's radiation.

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14y ago

None, the Earth is constantly rotating so no one part always faces away

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6y ago

The only part of the Earth that is not particularly influenced by energy from the sun the the part below the upper crust.

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Q: What part of the earth faces away from the sun?
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Well, the earth still faces the sun. But the moons covers the sun.

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Earth is rotating on its axis and day and night occur as a result as the Earth spin. If the Sun is shining on a part of the Earth, they are having day time. If a part of the Earth is facing away from the Sun, there are having night time.

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What is is called when earth faces away from the sun?

The earth is never really facing away from the sun- the erath doesn't really have a 'front'. If you are talking about your side of the planet, then when it is away from the sun it is night time.

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the earth rotates around and it revolves aroud the sun. when the part of the earth is facing away its night when it faces torwards the sun its day. hope i helped!

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you get no sun