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I'm not sure what you mean by egg model, but if your talking about an egg representing the Earth, the eggshell would be the crust because the egg white is the mantle and the yolk is the core.

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6mo ago

The outermost layer of the egg model represents the crust.

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Q: What part of the egg model represented the crust?
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What is the difference between the earth's crust and the shell of an egg?

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The egg is like a model of the layers of the Earth. (see layers of the ... The egg shell will represent the thin outer layer of the Earth called the crust.

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Because the egg has a hard outside, (the crust) that breaks (the plates) and a gooey (magma) interior (mantle,core).

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The core.

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Egg yolk, milk(or cream), sugar, vanilla, and a crust (graham cracker or flour crust).

What is non examples of crust?

The Crust Of The Earth Is Like A Egg Shell In That It Has Small Bumps And Cracks Easily.

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because it has a yolk which looks like a nucleus and a cell membrane and the egg part is like the cytoplasm.

Why is the earth's crust like an egg?

The earth's crust is like an egg because the eath has a mantle (sort of like a shell) and an egg has a shell as well. Try this get a cup get an egg pour vineger and or salt in to the cup then drop the egg in the cup. Wait 2 or 3 days and after those 3 days the egg will feel soft.

How is the earth like an egg?

Just as an egg has primarily 3 layers, the yolk, the white, and the shell, so does the Earth, which has a core, a mantle, and a crust (although the core is often described as having an inner and an outer section). It is not true, however, that someday the planet Earth will hatch into a giant space chicken. Don't believe those rumors.

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The parts of a hard- boiled are used to model Earth' s structure because of the eggshells when you crack them.