

Best Answer

The earth's crust is like an egg because the eath has a mantle (sort of like a shell)

and an egg has a shell as well. Try this get a cup get an egg pour vineger and or

salt in to the cup then drop the egg in the cup. Wait 2 or 3 days and after those 3 days the egg will feel soft.

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Q: Why is the earth's crust like an egg?
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The egg is like a model of the layers of the Earth. (see layers of the ... The egg shell will represent the thin outer layer of the Earth called the crust.

Which of earths layer would be best modeled as a metallic sphere?

The core.

What is the difference between the earth's crust and the shell of an egg?

Earths crust is thicker and there is on more layer on earth than there is in an egg though so an egg wouldnt be a good model or so for the world we know as Earth.

Earths crust is part of the?

The earths crust is a part of the outermost layer.

How do you get silicon out of earths crust?

Silicon is a mixture of the minerals of the earths crust. so.... silicon isn't something from the earths crust. -thanks for your question.

Compared to earths continental crust earths oceanic crust is?

thinner and denser

What is the size of the earths crust?

The Earths crust is approximately 650 km deep.

What is beneath the earths crust that circulates like a conveyor belt?

My dick...

What is the jigsaw like parts of the earths crust called?

Tectonic Plates

What composition is earths crust?

oceanic crust is made of basalt while continental crust is made of silica rich rocks like granite.

How wide is the crust?

how wide is the earths crust

What is the thickness of the earths crust in miles?

The average is 9 miles.The average continental crust thickness is 22 miles thick. The maximum crust thickness is 56 miles underneath the Himalayas, and is 16 miles thick at its thinnest in various places.The average oceanic crust is about 4 miles thick.For the entire Earth then, the average crust thickness is 9 miles.To scale size, the earths crust would be about the thickness of 3 ordinary sheets of paper on a basketball. The thickness of a chicken eggshell would be 16 pieces of paper on a basketball, so the earths crust is 5 times thinner than a typical egg shell. And the crust is only as thick as the egg shell at its maximum thickness underneath Nepal.Sleep tight.