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Q: What part of the eye is a watery substance in the front of the eye?
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What is the name of the clear jelly like substance in the eye?

I think this is probably the aqueous humour, which is a thick watery substance behind the cornea but in front of the lens.

Does a human naturally have water in their eyes?

Yes, the front of the eye is filled with a watery substance called the aqueous humor. It brings nutrients to the cornea (front of the eye) since it does not have blood vessels to feed it since it's a living tissue.

What the watery liquid feeds front of the sheep eye?

Aqueous humor.

What is the watery like substance in your eye called?

Lacrima, [gk-tear] produced by the Lacrimal gland.

What is the watery like substance in the eye called?

Lacrima, [gk-tear] produced by the Lacrimal gland.

What is the watery-like substance in your eye called?

Lacrima, [gk-tear] produced by the Lacrimal gland.

What is the function of the cornae eye?

the front part of the eye

What part of the eye is the cornea?

The cornea is the outer part that protects the eye

What part of the eye is a 4 letter word beginning with the letter u?

Vitreous humor is the part of the eye that starts with the letter "v."

Which part of eye is donated in eye donation?

The only part of the eye that can be trasplanted is the cornea, or clear layer on the front of the eye.

What is the watery fluid that fills much of the eyeball in front of the crystalline lens?

Aqueous humor is the fluid that fills the space in front of the lens of the eye.

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