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i think its the cornea not sure

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Q: What part of the eye is responsible for it's glossy appearance?
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Which part of our eyes is responsible for the colour of the eyes?

The coloured part of the eye is the iris.

The part of the eye responsible for fine-tuning the refraction of incoming light is the?

The lens.

Where is the cornea located in the brain?

The cornea is actually part of the eye, and is a protective covering that is responsible for making sure that the eye is not damaged.

What is the eye and ear part of?

The eye and ear are parts of the sensory system. The eye is responsible for detecting light and creating visual signals that the brain interprets, whereas the ear is responsible for detecting sound vibrations and translating them into auditory signals.

What do you do if you get cocaine in your eye?

Your eye will get glossy and red then it will swell up and burn

What part of the eye is responible for color?

Assuming you mean the part of the eye responsible for seeing color... There are two types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones. The cones are responsible for seeing color. (The easy way to remember it is cones and color start with c.)

Which IS easier to reaD a non-glossy book or glossy one?

A non-glossy book is typically easier to read because it reduces glare and reflection, making the text more legible. Glossy surfaces can often cause eye strain and make it difficult to read under certain lighting conditions due to the glare.

The lens of the eye is responsible for what?

The lens of the eye are responsible for processing on an image. Source: Psychology class c:

What is different about the eyes of a color blind person?

If your color blindness is genetic (as opposed to having been caused by trauma or neurological issues), the only part of the eye 'affected' would be the cones, that part of the eye responsible for discerning color.

What are rods and cones for a cows eye?

Rods are a part of the eye that takes in low light. Cones are located in the retina and they are responsible for seeing in color. All mammals have rods and cones in their eyes.

What layer of the eye is responsible for supplying blood to the eye?


What is a bloodshot eye?

An eye in which the small blood vessels are dilated, giving the white of it a red appearance.