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Sigmoid colon

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Q: What part of the human colon is lacking in the cat?
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What part of the human soft palate is lacking in the cat?

the uvula.

What part of the human soft palate is lacking in a cat?

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What part of the soft palate is lacking in the cat?


What is Barack Obama a cat or a dog?

He is part of the Human Race, hence making him human.

Where is mesocolon in the cat?

Its the mesentery that connects the colon to the ventral wall of the cat

What features of the human cecum is lacking in the cat?

The appendix is the feature of the human cecum that isn't found in cats. Although the human appendix doesn't have a determined function, some scientists speculate that it produces and protects beneficial bacteria.

Why are human and cat Prozac different?

In part, dosage; you don't want to give a 10-lb cat the same amount of drug that you would give a 200-lb human. In part, additional components; the cat's metabolism is different, and will have trouble with some nominally non-medical components of human Prozac.

Is tuna bad for Maine Coon cats?

I have a Maine coon cat, and he loves tuna. I don't think it would be bad for the cat because it is just fish.Answer:Tuna, if given in small amounts, is perfectly fine for a Maine Coon, or any other cat. However, tinned tuna should never be part of a cat's main diet as it is lacking in many vital nutrients the cat needs. Human grade tinned tuna is also high in phosphorous which could harm a cat, so it is best to give a small amount of tuna as an occasional treat.

Does more bacteria grow inside or out?

Inside or outside of what? Your colon? Your house? Your cat?

Does any cat have human hair?

NO. Even if the cat had "human-like" hair it wouldn't be human hair because it grew from a cat.

Your cat has a red inflamed butt what can it be?

There could be several reasons why the cat has an inflamed butt. The cat could have an infection of the colon or worms. A vet can diagnosis the problem and give the cat medicine.

Why aren't I a cat?

Because God decided to make you a human - if he wanted you to be a cat he would've made you a cat. I am a cat. Before you become a human baby you will your self into being a cat then you are a cat, so you didn't will your self into being a cat and stayed a human baby.