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Axon, telondendria

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Q: What part of the neuron can conduct an action potential?
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Which part of the neuron can propagate an action potential?


Where does an action potential start?

Action potentials are generated on a part of the neuron called the 'axon hillock' - the proximal most portion of the axon.

Which part of the neuron is capable of generating an action potiental?


What is main part of neuron?

There are several key parts to a neuron: dendrites, which receive input, cell body or soma, where the electrical impulses sum, axon, the structure along which the action potential is propagated, and the terminal buttons which release neurotransmitters into the synapse between two neurons.

Why causes the neurons fire?

Neurons are nerve cells, and they fire to relay messages from neuron to neuron. Neurons fire when a charge jumps across a synapse to the dendrite of a cell. The neuron then fires the charge down it's axon, and the charge travels to the next neuron.

How is the electricity in a action potential generated?

Generally speaking the neuron is becoming depolarized, but to be more specific Phases of Action Potential: 1. Resting Potential: Vm = -65mV 2. Rising Phase: Vm = 40mV; Rapid depolarization of the membrane. 3. Overshoot: When the inside of the neuron is positively charged with respect to the outside of the membrane. 4. Falling Phase: Rapid depolarization until the membrane in more negative than the resting potential (-65mV) a. The last part of the falling phase is called the undershoot, or after-hyperpolarization.

What do axons and dendrites belong to?

I'm assuming you're talking about dendrites... And the dendrites are what receive signals on a neuron. Signals are delivered through the axon to the axon terminal, which passes the signal to another neuron's dendrites.

At the threshold stimulus sodium ions start to move into the cell or out of cell to bring about the membrane depolarization?

For depolarisation to occur as part of an action potential, +40 mV inside the neuron fibre compared to outside the membrane. For summation after a synapse to determine whether the post-synaptic neuron will fire an action potential, the threshold is +20mV inside the neuron compared to the outside.

What part of the brain controls posture?

Action potential in the brain

What part of brain controls posture?

Action potential in the brain

What part of the neuron transmits messages to the muscles?

Afferent (sensory) division of the nerve cell receives input messages. The ends are called dendrites. A typical neuron in the central nervous system (CNS) has many thousand dendrites. It is the dendrites that receive the nervous signals from other neurons via connections called synapses.

During depolarization of action potential the outer part of axon becomes?
