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Walrus live in all northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

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Q: What part of the ocean does a Walrus live?
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What ocean does the walrus live in?

pacific ocean

What species of walrus live in Antarctica?

No. Walrus' natural habitats are located exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere.

What animals live in the Pacific Ocean?

Whales, dolphins, seals, walrus and sea otters all live in the Pacific Ocean.

Does a walrus live alone?

Walrus live in herds.

What adaptations does a pacific walrus have so it can live in and around the ocean?

they have large tusks to help pull them out of the water.

Do walruss live in Antarctica?

Walrus is an arctic sea mammal and is not found in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica.

What part of the walrus food web is the walrus in?

The walrus is the predator

What area of the world does the walrus live?

where in the world do walrus live

Does a walrus live in the south pole?

No. The South Pole is covered with 9,000 feet of ice. Walrus require open water, and warmer water than is available north of the pole in the Southern Ocean.

Do herbivores live in the Arctic Ocean?

Yes, they do. Some examples are Arctic Cod, which eats Zooplankton, and a walrus which eats seaweed.

What part of the ocean do plankton live?

on the surface or the deapest part of the ocean

What part of the ocean do dolphins live?

Dolphins live in every ocean.