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Q: What part of the operating system loads first and remains in the main memory?
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What is a kernel?

The central module of an operating system. It is the part of the operating system that loads first, and it remains in main memory. Because it stays in memory, it is important for the kernel to be as small as possible while still providing all the essential services required by other parts of the operating system and applications. Typically, the kernel is responsible for memory management, process and task management, and disk management. The definition of kernel is "the portion of an OS (Operating System) that is responsible for interacting with the hardware. It is the operating system software that runs in kernel mode on the computer's processor and which provides low-level intelligence for the operating system. In other words, the kernel is the "heart" of an operating system.

Which must be loaded first to a computer's memory the operating system or software?

Operating system must be loaded first so that other applications and programs will be able to work.

What are the four memory allocation in operating system?

First Fit, Best Fit, Buddy system and Suballocators.

It is possible to launch one operating system from another operating system or on top of another operating system?

Depending on the base operating system, yes. In almost all cases, the operating system from which the second one is loaded lacks memory protection, allowing the second operating system to replace the first one in memory. This can be used, for instance, to boot Linux from MS-DOS or classic versions of Mac OS.

What operating system component is loaded first when the computer is turned on an resides in the memory?

windows xp

Do certain brand names or kinds of RAM and memory upgrades work with a particular operating system?

Typically, RAM memory works regardless of the system, but you still need to check the compatibility first.

What is the importance of ROM in the Operating system?

ROM - Read Only Memory, is a non-volatile section of memory which contains the programs which will start running when the computer is first turned on. These ROM programs could contain the entire operating system, or could start the basic input/output functions which load the operating system in from another location, such as stored on a disk.

What is boot block in UNIX?

The boot block of any OS contains the initial loading sequence of the Operating System. It starts the process of bringing into memory the first part of the Operating System which in turn brings the rest of it in for the entire boot process. This is known as bootstrapping the Operating System.

When was the first operating system created?

the first computer to use operating system was mark1

What was the first opperating system?

What operating system was coined the operating system of the century?

What was the first major operating system?

D.O.S (Disk Operating System)

Which was the first operating system lounced by the Microsoft in 1981?

Microsoft 95 was the first operating system by Microsoft