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the xylem cells carry the water from the roots to the leaves.

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Q: What part of the plant gets water and nutrients to the leaves?
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What part of the plant that gets water and nutrients to the leaves?


How does your twisting bamboo plant get nutrients?

Twisting bamboo gets water and or nutrients through it's leaves and roots.

How do flowers leaves and stems helps plants meet their basic needs?

Flowers are the parts that get pollinated so a plant can produce seeds for reproduction. Leaves carry out photosynthesis, which is how the plant makes food. The stem stores nutrients, and waste for the plant. Roots bring in food, water, and other nutrients into the plant.

How does the water needed to carry out out photosynthesis gets to leaves?

through the vascular bundles

How does the air plant survive without living in soil?

They get the nutrients they need from the leaves that fall from a top them. When the leave falls on top of them, it gets decomposed, and all of the nutrients go into the plant.

How does food and water get transfered in plants?

Water and food substances or nutrients are transported throughout the plant through the vascular bundle formed from the cambium. Xylem transports water from the roots to the leaves. The water it transports is needed by the plant in photosynthesis. After photosynthesis, sugar and other nutrients are produced and they are transported throughout the plant by the phloem. " Hope this will help.

How do leaves get food water and nutrients and how does the sun do it?

Leaves gets water from the xylem delivering the water and nutrients from the roots. Next the phloem picks it up along with glucose and other nutrients and distributes it to the plant. The leaves absorb light energy and nutrients (from the sun) to actually make the food. Just remember xylem delivers, phloem picks up, roots get the water, and leaves make the food. Also remember the xylem and phloeam thing all goes on in the stem! 

Why do plants die after their roots are cut?

The plant gets its water and nutrients by the roots. No roots = no water, no "food" = Death.

How does salt effect plants?

Salt draws water away from the roots, it also effects the way the plant gets its nutrients. In water, salt breaks down into sodium and chloride. The sodium replaces the nutrients in the soil, and the chloride, effects the photosynthasis in the leaves. These causes could effect the plant's growth by stunting it, it could make the plant turn brown and wilt, and last but not least, the plant could possibly die.

Where does water come out of a plant?

From the leaves in the main by a process known as transpiration. Smaller quantities can be lost by the stem and roots. The loss of water through the stomata of the leaves makes way for new water from the roots which brings vital nutrients.

Does a plant need water and soil to live?

Yes, a plant gets it's nutrients to grow from water and soil, kind of like we do, besides we don't eat soil and dirt.

What part of the plants gets water for it?

The roots get water for the plant. As they suck moister from the ground sending it to the stem , and then to the leaves. The leaves are the ones who make the food through photosynthesis.