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Q: What part of the small intestine does the pancreatic duct empty into?
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What is the organ called that releases digestive juices into the small intestine?

Yes, it releases digestive juice into small intestine. The common bile duct join the pancreatic duct, the bile from common bile duct and pancreatic juice from pancreatic duct empty into duodenum (of small intestine) through the sphincter of oddi (valve) if it is opened. The opening of this valve is controlled by a hormone called Cholecystokinin.

Where does pancreatic juice enter the small intestine?

There is a site on the duodenum called Ampulla of vater where the common bile duct joins with the pancreatic duct and enters into the small intestine at the duodenum.

Does the bile duct join the small intestine at the duodenum?

A few inches into the duodenum is the hepato-pancreatic ampulla, which is the site where the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct of the liver enter.

What is the area of the small intestine called where liquids from the liver and pancreas enter?

pancreatic duct

What part connects the pancreas to the small intestine?

The pancreatic duct comes from the pancreas to the small intestine as does the accessory pancreatic duct. Pancreatic juice containing important buffers and digestive enzymes travels through these ducts into the lumen or hollow part of the duodenum or first part of the small intestine. Physically, there is some connective tissue that holds both the pancreas and small intestine in place and near each other.

Does the common bile duct empty into the small intestine?


What area of the duodenum where the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct empty is called?

The Ampulla of Vater..This is the duodenum where the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct empty.

What is the pancreas attached to the small intestine?

pancreas is an independent gland. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice which contains enzymes for digestion. But, the pancreas is connected to the small intestine through the pancreatic duct at the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine connected from the stomach).

How is liver connected to lumen of gut?

The liver has a duct, called the common bile duct, that delivers bile through an opening into the small intestine, the duodenum, called the major duodenal papilla. This duct is joined by the pancreatic duct as they both transport their products into the small intestine.

Does the pancreatic duct transport secretions from the pancreas to the duodenum?

Pancreatic digestive juices are carried by a tube-like structure known as the pancreatic duct.

What sphincter controls the release of bile and pancreatic juice into the small intestine?

The sphincter of Oddi (hepatopancreatic sphincter), controls the release of pancreatic enzymes and bile into the duodenum. During digestion, intestinal phase signals stimulate the release of bile.