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The voice-box, or larynx.

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Q: What part of the trachea allows animals to speak or make sound?
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Related questions

What is the larynx's job?

Your Larynx or "voicebox" creates the sound with which you speak. It controls the pitch and volume of your voice. The larynx also protects part of your trachea.

Can worms talk in worm speech?

Worms lack lungs, a trachea, and vocal folds, so they cannot make any sort of verbal sound. They have no need to speak to one another.

Which is better a Wii speak or a Wii microphone?

wii speak. it allows for the whole room to talk, not just one person. and they dont sound so close up

Can animals speak?

No, animals can not speak. Only humans can do that.

What causes us to make sound when you speak?

what causes sound when you speak

Why would it be hard to breath if you didn't have a trachea?

The trachea is the tube leading to the lungs. There has to be an opening to the lungs for breathing to occur. It our lungs were not attached to the mouth via the trachea, then the lungs would need an opening elsewhere. Besides, the trachea is for speaking as well, and you exhale across your vocal folds as you speak.

Why can't animals speak like we can?

Why can't animals speak like we can..............

How do you learn to talk from your tummy?

You cannot speak form your stomach. When you speak the sound comes from your larynx also know as the voice box. Which is located at the beginning of your trachea which is were your throat is. - This is true but from what i've read technically you cant speak from you stomach but ... you can use your stomach to help you speak louder. So if your reading this just do some more research and you'll see a difference. Answers but in a sense their all relatively close.

How do laryngectomees speak through tracheoesophageal speech?

Laryngectomees produce sound by blockading their stoma with a finger and diverting air from the lungs into the esophagus. The air vibrates the tissue in the upper esophagus and produces sound which can be shaped into speech. They can also use a device called a tracheoesophageal prosthesis to achieve a similar effect.

Can you drink and speak at the same time?

no No you can't, because when you drink, meaning to swallow, you automatically lock your airway (trachea). Now in order to form words and speak you have to blow out the air which makes the vocal cords swing and makes the sound come out. this can't happen as long as your airway is locked, just as you can't breath and drink at the same time.

How does cyclops sound?

They speak plain words, but they don't speak well

What is voice?

The sound we make when we speak.