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The green area on the western wing.

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Q: What part of the white house burned down?
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What part of speech is burned in the house burned down?


Who is the inventor of the White House?

The White House was not invented and has no inventor. The White house was designed and built. After it was burned during the War of 1812, it was painted white as part of its reconstruction.

Did Grover Cleveland live in the White House?

He did while he was President. There never has a been a President who refused to live in the White House. It was burned down and uninhabitable for part of Madison's and Monroe's administration until it was rebuilt. Truman moved arcross the street for awhile so that the White House could be remodeled.

Was dolley Madison important?

Dolley Madison was the wife of President James Madison. She is known for furnishing the White House after a fire in 1814 burned part of the estate.

Why is the president part of the White House?

The president is not part of the White House. The White House is where the US President lives -- it is a building. People sometimes say "The White House" to refer to the President or the people on his staff who speak or act on his behalf.

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How many years has the White House stand?

The White House was under construction from 1792 to 1800. The first president to move in was Thomas Jefferson in 1801. During the War of 1812, the White House was set on fire by the British, and had to be reconstructed.

What president lives in the White House?

Barack Obama is the current master of the White House.

Which US president didn't live in the White House?

George Washington didn't live in the White House. It was built till after his presidency was thru.George Washington was the only US president that never lived in the White House. All of the others spent at least a part of their term living in the White House.

What branch of the government does the White House work for?

The white house represents the legislative branch!

What are the names of the presidents that lived in the White House?

All of them bit Washington lived in the White House for at least a part of their time in office.

What part of the white house does the president live in?

The very upper floor.