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The very upper floor.

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Q: What part of the white house does the president live in?
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Which US president didn't live in the White House?

George Washington didn't live in the White House. It was built till after his presidency was thru.George Washington was the only US president that never lived in the White House. All of the others spent at least a part of their term living in the White House.

Why is the president part of the White House?

The president is not part of the White House. The White House is where the US President lives -- it is a building. People sometimes say "The White House" to refer to the President or the people on his staff who speak or act on his behalf.

What part of Washington does the president live in?

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, and that is where the president resides.

Did Grover Cleveland live in the White House?

He did while he was President. There never has a been a President who refused to live in the White House. It was burned down and uninhabitable for part of Madison's and Monroe's administration until it was rebuilt. Truman moved arcross the street for awhile so that the White House could be remodeled.

Does Obama pay to live in the White House?

No, full access to the white house and use of its facilities and staff are part of his compensation for his duties as President of the United States of America.

Did every president live in the whitehouse?

No- the White House was not built in time for Washington to live there. John Adams moved in about three months before his term ended and every president since as lived there for at least part of his term. Some had to live elsewhere while the White House was repaired or improvements were made.

What president lives in the White House?

Barack Obama is the current master of the White House.

What was the White House originally called?

I think the White House was called president ? the first word to it is president. In the second part of the original title, the 5/6th word was a g.

Who has lived in the White House?

All of the US presidents except Washington lived in the White House for at least part of the time they were in office. There were times when the President had to move out in order to make repairs. There is also a live-in staff.

Which president could see the White House everyday?

Every U.S. President except George Washington has lived and worked in the White House during at least part of his administration.

What is the name of the house that presidents live in?

US Presidents live in a building called The White House, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, DC. The portion of the White House that the President and his family actually live in is referred to as the "Presidential Residence" and is on the second floor of the White House. The Lincoln Bedroom, the Treaty Bedroom, and the Queen's Room are also located on the second floor, but are not considered to be part of the Presidential Residence.

What presidents did not live in the White House?

Only George Washington, who lived in New York City and then in Philadelphia, which were the nation's first capitals. He never lived in the White House. John Adams was the first to live in the White House. He moved there in November, 1800 soon after the Capital moved to Washington.