

What part of the world can coral reefs be found?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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They are commonly found by Australia and in the Caribbean Sea.

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Q: What part of the world can coral reefs be found?
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Would you find a sponge in a coral reef?

Yes they are. In many videos you can see sponges.It's nothing new to see sponges n the Coral Reefs. It's just part of the Tropical Life. yes, there are sponges in the coral reefs. they are goregous and beautiful thing too. they are in existance. they are the coral reefs. corla reefs have sponges.

How deep is the coral reef?

Most coral reefs are quite shallow, as the coral depend on light for energy. There are different kinds of reefs however, and sponge reefs can be found at extremely deep depths. yo, you is clever, but im cleverer as it is more that deep, you spaz

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How have humans impacted the coral reefs in the US?

In all parts of the world, coral reefs are living organisms. They are delicate and can easily be harmed. But they are also colorful and beautiful, which attract people to touch them, try to break off pieces to keep, etc. People brush up against them by accident or on purpose. All these actions can kill coral reefs. Some scientists are now growing coral reefs as "farms" in ocean waters to try to transplant them back to the reefs that humans have harmed. Some countries now have laws that try to protect this natural phenomenon.

What is a good closing sentence for a research paper on coral reefs?

In conclusion the coral reefs are a vital part to our oceans us humans admire them we in essence just like to look at them and not to mention they are a spectical.

Do jellyfish live in a coral reef?

The majority of jellyfish do not live on coral reefs, but float around as part of the plankton in the open ocean.

Is the killer whale part of the tide pools and coral reefs?

no bro its just the way it isss

Why coral reefs are important to fishing and tourism?

Coral reefs should be conserved for several reason.One is to prevent some marine species from extinction.Furthermore,coral reefs are an important source of nutrition and livelihood for many.Conserving reefs also contributes to the economy of fishermen as the yield for marine reserves are encouraging.Besides that,coral reefs help to maintain the habitats of many marine species by facilitating the growth of mangrove swamps and seagrasses.Reefs also helps to prevent shoreline erosion.Corals are also valuable as potentiol sources for medicines.Finally,coral reefs have the potential to increase the income generated from eco-tourism. Coral reefs are some of the oldest and most diverse ecosystems on our planet. They are one of the ocean's main nurseries and feeding grounds for fish and invertebrates, provide natural storm barriers for coastlines, and are a potential source for novel pharmaceuticals. Throughout their range, coral reefs are dying due to human influences. These negative influences induce stress and increase diseases in these populations. This lecture will cover the threats to coral reefs globally and why local coral reef loss is important to Puerto Rico.

Why should you help preserve coral reefs?

to protect the wildlife without coral reefs we would have almost half the poplation of fish extinct. and many fish we eat need coral reefs. also lobsters. and crabs, also the ones we dont eat play a big part in the animal kingdom. we should preserve the life that has been created on earth.

Is algae part of the coral reef ecosystem?

Algae plays a vital role in the coral reef ecosystem. Firstly, algae feeds the zooplankton that forms part of the base of the foodchain of the coral reefs. Secondly, algae live inside the actual coral, and are responsible for providing the coral with a huge amount of energy.

What part of the ocean do star fish live?

According to a million bajillion books i read, starfish live in every ocean around the world and can be commonly foun in tide pools and coral reefs. :)

What part of the world do parrotfish live?

Parrotfish is a common name. There are freshwater parrot fish and saltwater parrot fish. The Freshwater parrot fish are a man made hybrid and do not exist in the wild naturally. The Saltwater parrot fish come from coral reefs in the Indo-pacific.