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Kidneys filter out liquid waste and then you pee.

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Q: What part of your immune system works like a filter?
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How does the immune system work with the respiratory system?

The respiratory system works with the immune system by releasing oxygen, which helps you breathe and is like a filter to your body.

What other part of the immune system works like a filter except the spleen?


Your spleen works like a filter to remove germs from your system.Name another part of the immune system that also works like a flillter?

If you want to know the answer go look it up on the book Human Anatomy

What is the function of the immune system?

The function of the immune system is to protect your body from infection by pathogens and foreign invaders, or what the body perceives as invading "germs". Your immune system works to identify pathogens and sometimes other unrecognized cells, like tumor cells, that could cause disease and then to eliminate them from your system. Your body's immune system has an incredibly difficult task in this because some of these pathogens can be "sneaky": they can redesign (mutate) themselves to trick the immune system into misidentifying them as harmless cells rather than appropriately treating them as foreign invaders.

Which organ works like a filter and cleans the blood?

The kidneys filter the blood.

How does the immune system react to epilepsy?

Epilepsy is not an infection or a virus or anything like that, so the immune system is not relevant to it. You cannot "catch" epilepsy from someone. So the immune system does not respond to epilepsy. There is nothing that it can do.

What protects the body from bacteria?

An organism's immune system protects it from harmful bacteria and other organisms. In terms of the Human immune system, this includes leukocytes (white blood cells of various types) and the various parts of the lymphatic system.

How does exercise affect your immune system?

Exercise stresses your immune system. Too little exercise has very little effect on your immune system, whereas too much exercise can debilitate your immune system. Therefore, like medication, the proper dose of exercise is required; if it is neither too little nor too strenuous, regular exercise can boost your immune system. .

How does making the immune system stronger lengthen the life of a person with AIDS?

IF the immune system is strengthened the person is less susceptible to obtaining infections like pneumonia which can cause death if they don't have a fully functioning immune system

What is the role of complement system in immune response?

The role of a complement system in immune response is to make sure that no bad cells penetrate the immune system. A complement system of immunization might be a series of shots, like booster shots for immunizations.

What is the function of toll-like receptors in the immune system?

The function of toll-like receptors in the immune system is very important. It puts out a warning when something is wrong and the body is in danger and starts a self-immune task that helps fight the danger out.

The weakening of which system increases the possibility of acquiring an infectious disease like HIV or hepatitis?

The weakening of the immune system increases the possibility of acquiring an infectious disease.