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Q: What part or what state was the original home of most of the long horn cattle?
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What kind of cattle is in Illinois?

its the cow with the hapajangi maligulinocas azure horn

What was the original trumpet called?

A horn.

What is a horn?

A horn is a hard permanent outgrowth, often curved and pointed, found in pairs on the heads of cattle, sheep, goats, and giraffes.

What is the horn or tusk on a narwhal's head?

It is called a horn, but is a tusk or tooth (walrus, elephant, boar) rather than a keratin horn (cattle, rhinos) or bone antlers (deer).

A fact about the Texas long horns?

the long horn was brought here by Spain then cross breded with gentle cattle which now became the Texas long horn

What is the definition of cattle traits?

Cattle traits means, the characteristics that cattle posses. These traits are what cattle are known for or why the produce the way that they do. For example, Texas longhorns are known for their horn size, this is a trait. Holsteins are known for high milk production, this is also a trait.

What are some important events that happened in Montana?

* 41st US State. * Borders three Canadian Provinces. * Site of Custer's defeat and demise. * Home of the Copper Kings. * Borders Idaho. * Big Cattle producer. * Great Skiing State. * Helena is its Capital. * It is known as the Big Sky State.

What is the ideal beef-type animal?

I would say cattle, preferably short horn, Angus, or Hereford.

What is cows horn made of?

The horn of cattle is made up of keratin, along with several proteins. Beneath that, there is a bony core.

How do you add a relay for a second separate horn on a 1998 Honda CRV without modifying the existing horn setup?

If you're just adding a second horn that sounds at the same time as the original equipment horn - you will need to cut into the wire that leads to the original equipment horn in order to get power to the added one. Install the additional horn making sure it is securely grounded. Then, splice the power line to the new horn into the power wire to the existing horn. This will ensure that when the horn button is depressed, both horns will receive power simultaneously.

What is the state animal for cape horn?


Where do cattle develops the embryo?

They develop in the uterine horn, as the fetus grows, it will move into the uterus and then through the birthing canal at parturition.