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The sciatic nerve

the blood

Certain fats.

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Q: What parts of an animal must Jews not eat?
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Jews and muslims are not allowed to eat which animal?

Muslims aren't allowed to eat pork. Jews aren't supposed to eat meat from any animal that does not chew its cud and have split hooves.

Are Judaisms aloud to eat animals?

Jews may have beef, mutton, veal, venison, goat's meat, and the meat of a couple of kinds of antelope and bison (see Deuteronomy ch.14). Before it is eaten, the animal must be slaughtered according to Torah law, the blood must be removed by salting according to a specific process, and a couple of the animal's parts are forbidden.

Must move around to eat?


Why is rye bread a custom in Russia?

Rye Bread isn't Jewish. It is a common bread in parts of Europe, where many Jews lived/live. Jews in Italy eat pasta; Jews in Mexico eat tacos.

Is salmon meat eaten by Jews?

Yes, Jews eat salmon. It must be prepared correctly, however. This means that the utensils that were used in the preparation of the salmon must be kosher..

What parts of speech is the word Must?

Must can be an auxiliary verb (Man must eat to live) or an adjective (This is a must book for your reading) or a noun (This rule is a must).Other meanings of must (all nouns) are:Unfermented Grape JuiceDamp smellFrenzy in a male elephant or other animal

Are Jews allowed to eat lamb and eel?

Jews eat 'Kosher' food. This is a foodstuff , where the animal does not scavenge for its own food. 'Lambs' do NOT scavenge, but eat grass. 'Eel' do scavenge for their food, by eating detritus from the bootom of the water. So Jews will eat Lamb , but not Eel.

Why were the Jews commanded to not eat meat from strangled animals?

In order to be kosher, a meat animal must be killed in the most painless and humane way possible. This is to cut the animal's throat with a very sharp knife, so that the animal feels no pain. To strangle an animal takes a long time, and frightens and injures the animal. That's why a strangled animal is "treif", or not kosher.

What milk foods can Jews eat?

Jews can eat dairy products made from the milk of any kosher animal so long as nothing is added to it to render it non-kosher (rennet, lipase, etc).

Jews and Muslims don't eat meat from what animal?

The pig.The Torah forbids Jews to eat pork (Deuteronomy ch.14).See also:The Jewish laws of keeping kosherWas Islam influenced by Judaism

What kind of food do Jews eat like chicken?

Jews eat chicken. One of the most common Eastern European Jewish dishes is chicken schnitzel. It's just that the chicken must be kosher.

When a plant or animal dies what do the soft parts do?

decomposers like worms and fungi eat it